The Rite Record-Journal — america

Denim Mythbusting: Did T-shirts really only become popular after WW2?

1930s america heritage loopwheel made in usa slub yarn t-shirt tee the rite stuff tube knit undershirt

Denim Mythbusting: Did T-shirts really only become popular after WW2?

You know the myth: T-shirts only became popular because of World War II and the postwar era. But, is it true?

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Denim Mythbusting: Did chinos really only become popular after WW2?

1930s america apparel chinos clothing cotton heritage khaki made in usa rite stuff the rite stuff vintage workwear

Denim Mythbusting: Did chinos really only become popular after WW2?

It’s commonly believed that chinos became popular after WW2 and servicemen returned home. That sounds good, but is it true?

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A Brief History of the Work Shirt, Part 2 - 1930-1940

1930s america style vintage work shirt workwear

A Brief History of the Work Shirt, Part 2 - 1930-1940

And we're back! But wait, you're probably thinking, "What, just one decade this time?" I know, I know, but there are two reasons for that.

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