Stockists Round-Up

daychild imperfect atelier round up slowrock stockists the rite blog the rite stuff update

Long time no see, pardners! Well, the ol' dusty trail has gotten long and I've actually been pretty busy, even though it might not seem it around these parts. I'm currently waiting for samples to come of the Harvester henley in burgundy and navy blue colors, to ship sometime in the fall. Because the ecru fabric I used originally isn't offered in these other colors, we've taken to garment dying them. However, the garment dying is done by an old worker in Japan and he works as fast as he can. This of course means it's taking longer than I'd expected, but still, what's more important is that workers like him are still getting orders. Truth be told, the Japanese garment-making industry isn't what it once was, and many of the most skilled workers are getting older and replacing them is difficult.

Any other news? Oh, right, I'm heading back to Sendai, Japan in late September! Expect me to actually post to the blog then and maybe bore you with my food photos. ;)

While we wait for that to transpire, how about a round-up on the latest The Rite Stuff stockists? Here we go!

Daychild Vintage 

Based in Hong Kong, Daychild specializes in both vintage and new clothing, as well as assorted knickknacks, toys, accessories, and more. There's no telling what they'll stock, and the owner Koma is a chill guy.

Imperfect Atelier

Also based out of HK, Imperfect Atelier is an online clothing shop with a twist: it only carries white T-shirts. Their entire goal is to seek the perfect-fitting tee, and to do that they've set aside fancy graphics, and even colors, to just focus on silhouettes. 


Slowrock is a relatively new brick-and-mortar and online men's shop in Seoul, South Korea, but owner Joshua is doing everything he can to keep it growing and offering more new brands. Don't hesitate to reach out to him either, his English is excellent!

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