The Rite Record-Journal — hickory stripe
The Continuing Saga of Heracles and Friends a.k.a. The Rite Stuff, Phase Two
chambray heracles heritage hickory stripe john lofgren made in japan stifel style the rite stuff wabash workwear

The Rite Stuff phase two is here, just like a hectic new phase at Del Boca Vista, but without Morty Seinfeld and his raincoat sales advice. You might not want to listen to Morty's advice for selling clothes: Case in point. Sales of the Heracles were buzzing along, people were posting online about it, I was picking up stockists, but I was getting lots of queries about XL and XXL sizes. This despite the fact that the shirt runs a bit large. You can imagine how it feels to see all these sales slip through my fingers because I miscalculated...